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Physical Therapy

Head and neck cancer and therapies we use to treat it can impact your ability to physically perform your daily activities. Some survivors may experience:

  • Limited movement and fibrosis of the head, neck, and arms
  • Scar pain and restriction
  • Weakness, muscle spasm, or pain in the face, neck, shoulders, or arms,
  • Swelling in the face and neck
  • Limited jaw opening making it harder to eat, drink, or perform oral hygiene

After completing an evaluation and discussing your needs, a specially trained physical therapist may recommend a variety of therapies, including manual techniques, massage, stretching, and exercise, to help improve your physical functioning and prevent further disability.

If you would like a referral to a physical therapist, we can provide you a prescription and help you identify the UPMC Centers for Rehab Services location that is closest to you.